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Exploring Outsourcing Models: Which One Fits Your Business?



IT project outsourcing has long been regarded as the best way for businesses to save money while rapidly integrating modern technologies into their operations or products. But not all businesses can make results that are perfect and choose the right outsourcing model.

This article dives into different types of outsourcing, discussing their pros, cons, and optimal scenarios to help you choose the best outsourcing model that well suits your business’s requirements.

Why Businesses Are Turning to Outsourcing?


Source: talentbold.com

Companies outsource for different purposes based on their specific needs and circumstances. The following, however, are a few of the most common reasons:

  • Reduce and optimize operational costs.
  • Improve the company’s competence focus.
  • Release internal resources for other purposes.
  • Utilize external resources extensively.
  • Improve business competitiveness and innovation.

Insights into Different Outsourcing Models

If you intend to outsource app development, you should be aware that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Different outsourcing models will benefit various businesses. Consider the following types of outsourcing:

Location-Based Outsourcing Models

Location-Based Outsourcing Models

Source: Search Engine Journal


When you hire people from nearby countries, you can find the right team for less money and get more ability. Sticking to nearby countries reduces the risk of encountering different time zones and cultures. It is frequently used for jobs requiring constant communication and coordination.


Onshore outsourcing means that the outsourced team you employ is located close to your company’s headquarters. When closeness and culture fit is very important, onshore outsourcing is a good choice because it makes it easier to communicate, work together, and follow local rules. It is frequently selected when sensitive or crucial operations must be conducted domestically.


Offshore outsourcing is the contracting of services to companies located in a different country or continent (such as Asia), frequently with significant time zone differences. When cost savings is important and jobs don’t require a lot of face-to-face communication or planning in real-time, offshore outsourcing is a good idea. It is often used for non-urgent tasks or specialized services that can be managed remotely.

Relationship-Based Outsourcing Models

Relationship-Based Outsourcing Models
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