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Talenten - Transforming Hiring with AI Talent Matching Platform

HR Tech

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    Transforming Hiring with AI Talent Matching Platform

    Talenten is an innovative platform in Vietnam that has transformed the way of hiring top talents. Our mission is to connect the best 10% of talents with excellent employers. Talenten uses AI to simplify hiring for candidates and businesses, making it fast and efficient. Leveraging advanced AI technology, Talenten provides a range of innovative features such as the Jobmatch Score, video CVs, and a job-seeking social network, empowering candidates to showcase their skills and helping businesses find the perfect match for their organizations. Talenten - Transforming Hiring with AI Talent Matching Platform The Catalyst for Transforming Candidate-Employer Relationships As a forward-thinking recruiter, you understand the importance of building strong connections with top talent. However, the traditional relationship between candidates and employers has often been marked by challenges and inefficiencies. That's where Talenten comes in, revolutionizing the dynamics between candidates and employers in profound ways. Talenten has recognized the need to streamline and improve the candidate-employer relationship. Through its innovative platform, Talenten has transformed the way recruiters and candidates interact, enhancing the recruitment process in several key ways. Enhanced Candidate Engagement Talenten provides a user-friendly interface that attracts highly skilled candidates. By creating detailed profiles and showcasing their expertise, candidates can present themselves in the best possible light. This enhanced engagement not only captures the attention of recruiters but also enables them to make informed decisions based on comprehensive candidate information. Intelligent Matching Talenten's intelligent matching algorithms analyze candidate profiles and job requirements to provide recruiters with a curated list of highly suitable candidates. This smart technology saves recruiters valuable time and effort by presenting them with candidates who possess the right skills, experience, and cultural fit for their organization. Streamlined Screening With Talenten, recruiters can easily screen candidates through video interviewing. This feature allows you to assess candidates' communication skills, professionalism, and cultural fit remotely. By eliminating the need for in-person meetings, you can efficiently evaluate candidates and identify the top talent from a wider pool of applicants. JobMatch Score Talenten's JobMatch Score is a unique scoring system that assesses candidates based on their skills, experiences, and compatibility with specific job roles. This score provides recruiters with an instant overview of a candidate's suitability, enabling them to prioritize and shortlist candidates efficiently. Talenten has transformed the candidate-employer relationship by introducing innovative features that improve engagement, communication, and the overall recruitment experience. By leveraging Talenten's powerful platform, recruiters can connect with top talent, identify the most suitable candidates, and streamline the hiring process. Talenten's Trailblazing Solutions for Success Talenten offers a range of services designed to simplify and optimize the recruitment process for employers. These services include: Free Job Posting: Employers can post job openings on Talenten for free, expanding their reach to potential candidates.Talent Search: Employers can find suitable candidates using Talentmatch and the expertise of the Talent Acquisition team.Candidate Capability Assessment: Talenten's industry experts analyze candidates' capabilities, providing employers with a comprehensive understanding of their skills.Smart Recruitment Tools: Businesses can streamline their recruitment process, from resume screening to competency evaluations, within the Talenten platform.Strategic Talent Attraction Consulting: Talenten offers consulting services to help businesses implement effective recruitment methods and enhance their employer branding. Talenten's Game-Changing Features for Candidates Talenten's Solutions is empowering candidates in their job search by providing a wide range of tailored features. Recognizing the importance of creating a positive and empowering experience, Talenten's Solutions goes beyond traditional job search platforms. Talentmatch Using AI technology, Talenten assesses candidates' skills to help them find the most suitable job opportunities. Video CV Candidates can create personalized video CVs that showcase their unique qualities, making them stand out to employers. Marketplace Talenten connects job seekers with good job options that match their career goals. Job-seeking social network Talenten allows candidates to create profiles, connect with experts, and interact with employers in a networking environment. Innovative Development Journey: Building Talenten as an AI Recruiting Platform Talenten's development involved research, brainstorming, prototyping, and testing. Research and development identified market needs, while brainstorming generated innovative ideas. Prototyping and user testing ensured a user-friendly platform. Challenges included refining the AI talent matching algorithm and ensuring data security. To overcome these challenges, our team collaborated with experts, conducted rigorous testing, and implemented strict security measures. Continuous feedback from users guided improvements and feature enhancements. Through these efforts, Talenten became an automated talent matching platform, effectively connecting top talents with employers in Vietnam. Development Systems and Technologies Talenten utilizes various resources and technologies to develop its services: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Migration, Maintenance & OperationPlatform: Web app, responsive web app, Google AnalyticsInfrastructure & Architect: GCP, Serverless, MySQL, Docker, Github ActionsDevelopment Language & Frameworks: NestJS, NextJS, SASS, Typescript, Terraform Talenten: The best choice for your hiring process In the dynamic realm of recruitment, Talenten emerges as a game-changer, reshaping the hiring landscape in Vietnam. With its groundbreaking talent matching platform, Talenten seamlessly connects exceptional candidates with employers in search of excellence, fostering an efficient and effective hiring experience for both parties involved. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology and a range of distinctive features, Talenten empowers candidates to highlight their abilities and find the best job opportunities while providing businesses with access to a wide network of exceptional talent.  This ensures that recruiters can find the ideal candidates who perfectly align with their organizational requirements. This targeted approach saves recruiters time and resources by ensuring they can quickly and accurately connect with candidates who are most likely to excel within their organization. As a result, recruiters can confidently and efficiently hire candidates who align closely with their organizational needs, leading to better long-term outcomes and success for the company. The forthcoming integration of AI in the CV profile represents a significant advancement that will further elevate the candidate experience. By providing personalized insights and tailored recommendations based on individual profiles, this development promises to revolutionize the hiring process, facilitating even more precise and efficient matches between candidates and employers. Talenten continues to spearhead innovation in recruitment, driving transformative change in the Vietnamese job market. Powered by SupremeTech. Contact us for more information.



    HR Tech


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    Transforming Hiring with AI Talent Matching Platform

    OTTClouds is a FAST Channel & OTT streaming platform powered by SupremeTech

    OTT Streaming

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      FAST Channel to OTT Streaming – Niche content is ready to explode

      Treasuring a ton of video content and wondering how to publish it in this ever-evolving world of digital media? It's time to create an Over-The-Top streaming platform (OTT streaming platform) with your own diverse, unique, and specialized FAST Channel with OTTclouds. FAST Channel stands for Free Ad-supported Streaming TV. It is a service platform providing viewers free access to scheduled video channels. In return for this free access, content owners gain benefits by actively scheduling the advertisements in the stream. Different from traditional television, Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV (FAST Channel) operates over the Internet and can be accessed everywhere. Learn more about FAST channel in the article: What are FAST channels? As a SaaS product, OTTclouds is designed to empower creators by offering robust tools and resources to showcase their content. OTTclouds - End-to-end streaming solution for content owners The transformation from a FAST Channel distribution to the OTT streaming platform Understanding the customers' demands, OTTclouds starts with the FAST channel format that initially offers free ad-supported content through various streaming services. Later on, OTT streaming platform was designed following the development of the industry and a response to the evolving needs and preferences of viewers.  By transitioning to an all-in-one OTT streaming platform, you as a content provider and distributor can now offer a more immersive and personalized streaming experience to audiences. Starting with content - Video-on-demand across multiple devices, and the personalized design that recommends interactive engagement. The transition from FAST Channel distribution based on the OTTclouds' cloud port process to an OTT streaming platform heralds a new era of convenience, choice, and connection in the realm of digital entertainment. OTTclouds' cloud port mechanism What makes OTTclouds your preferred choice of FAST Channel and OTT streaming platform? With a completed and sufficient set of features to stream, distribute, and monetize your content across various OTT platforms, here are some highlight features we have:  Content Management System An all-in-one system that supports all your business requirements from uploading, creating playlists, monetizing, and broadcasting any kind of video content. You as a content owner can get your content streamed across all devices by simply pushing a button with complete control over the availability of your content by scheduling and publishing. Video on Demand Management Your content is now alive to your customer since all the metadata fields, and keywords will all display on your owned platforms.  Multi-Platform Distribution Users should access seamless distribution of content across multiple OTT platforms, such as mobile apps, websites, or TV apps.  Multiple monetization options The more the popularity of video content rises, the more need for content owners to seek ways to monetize their creations. Here are some suggestions that OTTclouds brought to the product AVOD: Monetizing video content through Advertising Video On Demand (AVOD) is a popular and easy way to monetize content. By choosing between SSAI and CSAI insertion types, you will be able to strategically place ads at the beginning, middle, or end of your videos as you prefer. SVOD: Monetizing video content through Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) is a prevalent method, where subscribers pay a fee to access exclusive content. With multi choices of crate Subscription plans, the Content owner can control their monthly revenue easier than ever. TVOD: The advantage of TVOD is the ability for content creators to charge per view, allowing viewers to pay solely for the content they choose to watch rather than subscribing to an entire catalog. This targeted payment approach enhances viewer satisfaction and provides greater flexibility for content consumption.Sponsored Ads & Coupon/Promotion: Different ways to monetize to illustrate your own need. OTTclouds' build-in and on-request monetization models for your FAST Channel & OTT streaming needs Analytics and Reports Comprehensive analytics and reporting features are essential for understanding viewer behavior, content performance, and revenue generation. The CMS should offer detailed insights on user engagement, content consumption patterns, ad impressions, and revenue analytics. Yet, FAST Channel remains a trending tool for content publishers Besides the benefit of offering immersive viewing experiences with less engagement with the screen, the FAST streaming service will be the tool that enhances your creation: Get the best out of your content library with OTTclouds Transforming a way of controlling & scheduling FAST channel content With OTTclouds, we create these tools that empower you as providers to curate tailored programming schedules based on data-driven insights from the Analytics feature. Real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities enable performance tracking and informed decision-making. By embracing automation in controlling & scheduling your content, you can deliver seamless viewing experiences, and the latest updates with a Live-event switch and lead to increasing viewer satisfaction and ad revenue. Reducing effort and investment in creating your content platform OTTclouds offers applications and on-demand request features. Instead of building a platform from scratch, content providers can leverage the OTT platform's infrastructure to create their own branded applications tailored to their specific needs. With the ability to customize the user interface, branding, and content organization, content providers can deliver a unique and immersive viewing experience to their audience. Additionally, the on-demand request features allow viewers to access content at their convenience, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. A future of diversified content platforms without being dependent on the big company Emerging technologies and changing consumer preferences have opened up new avenues for content creators and distributors to reach audiences directly. Independent platforms are now gaining traction, providing a diverse range of niche content and fostering a sense of community among creators and viewers.  This shift allows for greater creativity, innovation, and discovery, as smaller platforms offer unique and specialized programming that may not fit the mainstream mold. By embracing this future of diversification, content platforms can empower creators, promote diversity, and cater to specific interests, ultimately enriching the overall streaming landscape. Development systems and technologies Below are the resources and technologies we use to develop OTTclouds services: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Migration, Maintenance & Operation Platform: CMS, Native App, Web app Infrastructure & Architect: AWS, PostgreSQL, CDN Development language: Java, Java Spring Boot, Angular Let OTTclouds help you bring your content to the world now! Experience unparalleled growth and success in the thriving streaming industry with our state-of-the-art OTTclouds product. Our advanced OTT streaming solution equips your service with the essential tools and capabilities to flourish in this dynamic and rapidly expanding landscape.  Join forces with us and embark on a journey towards streaming service triumph in this fast-paced and ever-evolving industry. Powered by SupremeTech



      OTT Streaming


      • Our success stories



      FAST Channel to OTT Streaming – Niche content is ready to explode

      Digital OOH advertising analytic dashboard helps ad publishers to monitor their ads performance

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        Digital Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising Analytics in Japan

        While not the only player in the growing field of OOH analytics, Search provides advertising agencies and companies with concrete data about their audiences. This data can be used to quantify the value of their advertising efforts.  SupremeTech worked with Search to develop a web application and dashboard to display the data. The data is part of a cloud platform service that aggregates and visualizes data in real time. The data is displayed on the dashboard in real time in an easy-to-digest format.  Dashboard analytic tool to measure OOH advertising performance The challenges of digital OOH advertising in Tokyo The stereotypical image of a street in Tokyo contains all different types of signage and advertising. The sheer volume is enough to stimulate the senses, and digital billboards yell at you everywhere you go. This type of media is a form of out-of-home (OOH) advertising, which continues to evolve and proliferate the streets of urban Japan. When you see an advertisement playing you may not buy the product, but companies and advertising agencies want you as an audience. But how do they know for sure how big the audience is or if you are a part of it?  OOH advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising, but nowadays it is one of the easiest platforms to monitor overall audience size. OOH is one of the only forms of advertising that adheres to a global standard for audience measurement. This standard makes it easy for companies to judge the value of their advertising. Measuring a seemingly unmeasurable method of advertising While OOH analytics is standard in places like Europe or North America, it has not seen the same level of success in Japan. Enter Search. While not the only player in the growing field of OOH analytics, Search provides advertising agencies and companies with concrete data about their audiences. This data can be used to quantify the value of their advertising efforts. The data is used by digital billboard owners to promote their ad placement locations. Companies can use it to see the demographics that are viewing their ads. This allows these companies to fully understand and evaluate the reach of their advertising and media. “Even those unfamiliar with OOH analytics could understand the meaning of each data point and how they are used.” Visualize real-time data and make it user-friendly for OOH advertisers SupremeTech worked with Search to develop a web application and dashboard to display the data. The data is part of a cloud platform service that aggregates and visualizes data in real time. The data is displayed on the dashboard in real time in an easy-to-digest format. Within the dashboard, SupremeTech and Search created a report function that allows users to view the data based on the time each ad is aired, then users can create reports for their desired ads. This allows users to know exactly how many people are viewing a particular ad, in addition to the demographics of those viewers. We worked with Search to define the various data points and how each should be presented. This was done carefully to make sure even those unfamiliar with OOH analytics could understand the meaning of each data point and how they are used. For example, the total number of VACs (Visibility Adjusted Contacts) changes rapidly over an hour or day. Every 15 seconds there could be a new influx of viewers. We implemented a graph that displays the total number of VACs in real time.  The audience measurement level for this service meets the highest level of VAC in the global standard audience measurement guidelines, formulated by the WOO (World Out of Home Organization). Search's OOH analytics data provides users with the number of people who saw an ad with a quantifiable VAC number, in addition to the number who could have potentially seen it, or OTC, in addition to other useful metrics. This tool grants users the ability to evaluate their audience and the potential to grow that audience.  OOH analytics technology stack Web Development for a Dashboard with Real-Time Data The first challenge in creating the dashboard was understanding the definitions of each data point and how they were calculated. We first had to meet with Search to better understand the terminology used for their OOH analytics. We also conducted our own research into the field of digital OOH advertising to better understand the field. Without a solid understanding of each feature, it would have been much more difficult to complete the project within the allotted three-month timeframe.  Then we had to ensure that all the data was presented in a way that was digestible and easy to understand. After all, this data is meaningless if we were the only people able to read it. Search provided us with a wireframe, and we created the UX/UI for an operational dashboard. “When working with multiple vendors and cross-company teams, it is important to keep information channels open and flowing.” Not everything went according to the wireframe, we changed some elements along the way after careful consideration and collaboration. For example, we tinkered with the text, data definitions, and graph visuals for the dashboard and report screens. Both SupremeTech and Search were open to new ideas that would make the product more valuable to the end users. The fluid communication between the teams made it easy to implement these changes. The final step of the project was synchronizing the dashboard to the data provided by another vendor. There were delays in receiving some data, so we implemented our database using dummy data. When the camera data arrived, we were able to map it to the dummy data successfully. When working with multiple vendors and cross-company teams, it is important to keep information channels open and flowing. Search's cooperation and coordination kept the project moving forward despite minor setbacks along the way. The future of digital OOH advertising awaits for us! Digital OOH Advertising Analytics and Search in the Future After 3 months of development, we completed the project. We created an accessible application for end users to visualize the data their media and advertisements were receiving. We coordinated with Search to synchronize the newly built application with the existing digital billboards scattered around Tokyo. Users can now log in and view the analyzed data in personal dashboards with ease. They can view the number of impressions their digital billboards and advertisements are getting in real time and access reports for their desired advertisements and digital billboards.  There are no longer questions surrounding how effective digital billboards and OOH advertisements can be. Now anyone can easily gain access to the data needed to ensure their marketing campaigns are successful. This application has added tremendous value to digital billboard owners and the advertising agencies that air their content with them. This technology will undoubtedly continue to grow in popularity in Japan. Search aims to expand into new regions and areas in the country, and SupremeTech is grateful to have been a part of such a unique project. Development System and Technologies Below are the resources and technologies we use to deliver: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Data Migration, Release Platform: Web app Infrastructure & Architecture: AWS Development Front End: React.js Development Back End: Java Spring Get your custom software development services from SupremeTech! SupremeTech offers comprehensive solutions to solve any technical challenges you have. We have the expertise to build a tailored software which streamlines your management and enhance customer experience. Contact us now to take a step forward and discover how you can make your unique business idea come true with our technical expertises. Brought to you by Search – SupremeTech team.



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          Digital Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising Analytics in Japan

          Shopify store development services for Makuake STORE by SupremeTech

          E-commerce (Shopify)

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            Makuake STORE – Shopify store development services for an original crowdfunding site

            With a custom-built Shopify store management solution, Makuake STORE obtains a smoothly collaborative environment for their stakeholders to co-manage the store and deliver outstanding shopping experience. Shopify Plus development services for Makuake STORE Technical challenges from an online mall-like business idea Makuake Co., Ltd. initially provides a crowdfunding listing website named "Makuake" for newly launched products and services. It is a platform where creators can list their original products and call for public funding from supporters. “How can supporters buy the products after the listing is ended?” wondered Makuake leaders when the platform starts to grow fast. “And it would be a waste if creators cannot continue to make money from the brilliant ideas of their own on our website. That’s the gap we will fill in.” Makuake's original crowdfunding site A single-minded desire to “continue to support the growth of the implementers” and “provide an exciting shopping experience as a place where supporters can purchase their favorite products again” urges the Makuake team to build an E-commerce site where the creators can sell their new products to the end consumers. That’s where Makuake STORE was born. Makuake STORE, then an online mall-like store concept under the name of Makuake, should not only bring consumers the enjoyable shopping experience that no other place does, but also assure smooth operational teamwork between Makuake and creators, not to mention retain high-standard experience of supporters as it originally does. An excessive portfolio of products and operational requirement of the three parties involved certainly pose a mind-bending challenge to Makuake STORE operational team. The question is how to set up a custom Shopify store that is linked to the current crowdfunding site and a management system which Makuake team and creators can co-operate for an ultimately wonderful shopping journey. It’s a huge puzzle to solve right there. Shopify Plus is a good choice. But it’s not enough. After receiving a challenging brief from Makuake, we jumped into deep research and broke down the case into two phases. Then our research showed that Shopify Plus is regarded as an optimal platform to cultivate Makuake STORE on. Its available functions allowed us to launch Makuake STORE in a short amount of time without much technical effort. And that was a good choice. Due to the time constraint at the beginning of the project, we were wired to integrate the ready-for-use apps available on Shopify to serve the basic operational needs then. But we knew there certainly came a must-have circle of building and optimizing. Phase 1: Custom Shopify development services for an admin app We identified in our proposal that the first and foremost task is to quickly provide merchants with a custom admin app. So merchants can manage their own store inside Makuake STORE site. It took us soon enough to realize that the complex characteristics of a mall-like Makuake STORE cannot be fulfilled only by Shopify Plus’s limited available functions. Each merchant wanted to manage their store in a unique way. What we should aim for is a custom Shopify app development that supports all three parties at the same time. In order to solve this case, we flexibly develop a custom admin app to bridge the Shopify solution apps and Makuake current operation system to Shopify. The expertise is not to build everything from scratch because it took a lot of time and less cost effective. We incorporated the custom features to the third-party apps so that Makuake STORE operational team and merchants can perform the tasks Shopify cannot. For example, Shopify limits the number of admins accessible to the store, while Makuake STORE needs to share management roles with thousands of independent sellers to co-manage their own product and order. Atarashii - More fun shopping online! Phase 2: Add more features to serve three-party operations The next milestone in the product roadmap is to continue adding custom features to the app so that merchants can set up their own customers’ buying journey. Our solution takes into consideration the full-circle E-commerce management. Custom Order Order WorkflowsOrder AttributesShopify checkout flow Shipment Multi-Order trackingMulti-Warehouse ShippingMulti-Carrier Shipping SupportAutomated shipment notification Customer Custom CRM procedure Inventory Multi-Warehouse management Product data Access control systemAutomated Product Data SyncCustom Product Data Mapping The development process includes but not limited to data migration from/to Shopify, integration with 3rd-party systems, automated data exchange, PC & mobile responsive themes, maintenance services. In terms of operational screens, there are three main parties involved including Shopify admin for Makuake, Seller admin and Operator admin. For Shopify admin, we integrated custom-built functions to upgrade its capability. For Seller and Operator admins, we built everything from scratch. While optimizing the operational system, we finetune our web app with some upcoming favorite features in pursuit of an “enjoyable shopping experience.” The can-do spirit inspires us to proactively and constantly seek new approaches to optimize the product. Furthermore, our pleasant correlation with the Makuake team and Shopify enables us to generate new ideas and bring them to life. Makuake is a super passionate and open-minded client who clearly guides us throughout the way and jointly tackles the challenge where it needs their expertise. As featured in our motto “Build the next world-class together”, we consider working as one team the primary key to success. While the Makuake team focuses on perfecting the product concept, we take ownership of technology solutions and product development. Together, we make product concepts a reality. We believe our collaboration will achieve further success in the near future. A mall-like Makuake STORE on Shopify Plus We made it! A custom Shopify solution to streamline store operations After 7.5 months of development and teamwork, we accomplished the project's primary objective, which is to operate and maintain a fully-functional management system for an online mall-like Makuake STORE. The model proves to work well as the website records a huge traffic surge, and the popularity continues to expand widely in the Japanese market. The more the product thrives in the market, the more technical challenges to solve in our continuous development process. We cannot wait to keep moving forward and tackle those challenges! Development systems and technologies Below are the resources and technologies we use to deliver Shopify store development services: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Migration, Maintenance & Operation Platform: Web app, responsive web app, Shopify Infrastructure & Architect: AWS, Serverless, NoSQL Development language: Node.js, React.js Get your Shopify Plus custom development services from SupremeTech! SupremeTech offers comprehensive solutions to migrate your current website to Shopify. We have the expertise to build a tailored software which streamlines your e-commerce management and enhance customer experience. Contact us now to take a step forward and discover how you can make your unique business idea come true with our technical solutions. Brought to you by Makuake - SupremeTech team.



            E-commerce (Shopify)


            • Our success stories



            Makuake STORE – Shopify store development services for an original crowdfunding site

            Miahire is an end-to-end video interview platform for businesses

            HR Tech

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              Simplify high volume hiring with MiaHire: The Future of Video Interviews

              Say goodbye to the hassle of coordinating interviews with multiple candidates and team members. MiaHire offers an on-demand video interview platform that allows you to conduct interviews at your convenience. With just a few clicks, you can invite candidates to complete video interviews that fit their schedule, eliminating the need for tedious back-and-forth communication. MiaHire - Video interview platform for high volume hiring Challenges in the HR Market: The Issues with Traditional Recruitment The HR market faces numerous challenges with traditional recruitment processes. The outdated recruitment process consumes a substantial amount of manpower and incurs operating costs. In addition, the traditional approach, involving resume screening followed by in-person interviews, often leads to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Resume screening can be time-consuming and subjective, making it difficult to assess candidates accurately. Additionally, scheduling in-person interviews poses challenges, especially when dealing with a large number of applicants or coordinating with multiple stakeholders. Geographical constraints further limit access to potential candidates, hindering organizations' ability to attract diverse talent. Moreover, relying solely on resumes limits the evaluation of crucial candidate attributes, such as communication skills and cultural fit. Resumes alone cannot provide a comprehensive understanding of a candidate's capabilities, personality, or potential for growth within the organization. This limitation can result in missed opportunities to identify qualified candidates who possess the desired skills and traits. MiaHire: Your Effective Video Interview Solution for Large Scale Recruitment MiaHire revolutionizes the hiring process by offering a range of key features that address various recruitment needs. For specialists, the platform replaces traditional resume screening and in-person interviews with video interviews, enabling organizations to efficiently handle a large volume of applications without missing out on top candidates. In customer service roles, MiaHire allows employers to assess candidates' communication skills, which are often difficult to gauge from resumes, and do so at scale. Manual worker positions benefit from MiaHire as it serves as the sole screening method when evaluation criteria are clearly defined. On-demand video interview: Candidates can join anywhere, anytime. For organizations seeking to recruit foreign talents, MiaHire proves highly effective in testing language abilities, enabling employers to focus their efforts on qualified candidates for further evaluation. Furthermore, MiaHire represents the future of job interviews by offering an end-to-end replacement for the first round of interviews. With no need for interview scheduling, candidates can choose the time and place that suits them best, while employers can conveniently review interviews right away, all within the platform. Fast and easy management: Get rid of time-consuming traditional management MiaHire brings extreme efficiency to the hiring process, relieving overwhelmed hiring teams from resume screening, shortlisting candidates, and scheduling interviews. The platform simplifies the process by allowing hiring teams to send applicants a MiaHire interview URL and receive notifications once the video interview is completed. This eliminates the cumbersome process of contacting candidates multiple times and scheduling interviews with interviewers. With MiaHire, there are no more mismatches, only great candidates. Moreover, interviewers only need to set up the question set once, eliminating the need to repeat the same questions to each candidate. Additionally, MiaHire mitigates the risk of candidates not living up to their résumés, saving valuable time by swiftly moving on to the next candidate if necessary. By leveraging video interviews, employers can identify candidates' true potential beyond what their résumés may show. Digital transform your hiring process with a video interview platform Below are some highlight features of the video interview platform you are looking for Automated Video Interviews: Conduct video interviews easily and efficientlyCandidate Management: Easily manage candidate profiles and applications.Interview Scheduling: Schedule and coordinate interviews hassle-free.Data Security: Ensure data privacy and security with robust encryption measures.Advanced Evaluation Tools: Evaluate candidates effectively with customizable assessment criteria.Centralized Platform: Track multiple positions and manage interview results in one place.Customization Options: Tailor interview content to align with job requirements and company values.Collaboration Capabilities: Enable smooth collaboration among hiring managers, interviewers, and team members.Time and Cost Efficiency: Streamline the hiring process, saving time and reducing operational costs. These features make MiaHire a comprehensive and efficient solution for all your recruitment needs. The Development Journey: Creating an Innovative Video Interview Solution for high volume hiring The development of MiaHire involved a meticulous and well-executed process that focused on understanding market needs and trends. Firstly, extensive research and development (R&D) provided the foundation for the platform, enabling the team to identify key challenges faced by HR teams and job seekers alike. Secondly, brainstorming sessions allowed a diverse team of experts to generate innovative ideas and define the product's features and functionalities. Then, prototyping and testing played a crucial role in refining MiaHire's user interface and incorporating valuable user feedback. Throughout the development process, the team encountered challenges, particularly in navigating the competitive HR market and integrating cutting-edge technologies. However, these challenges were met with strategic approaches. MiaHire invested in building a strong brand identity and value proposition to differentiate itself in the market. Last but not least, collaboration with experienced developers and continuous research and development helped overcome technological challenges, ensuring compatibility, scalability, and security. Development systems and technologies Below are the resources and technologies we use to develop Miahire services: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Migration, Maintenance & Operation Platform: Web app, responsive web app Infrastructure & Architect: GCP, Serverless, NoSQL  Development language: NodeJS, React, Typescript Transforming Hiring Performance The outcomes and impact achieved with MiaHire have been significant, both for the product itself and its clients. Since its launch, MiaHire has facilitated high-volume hiring over 10,000 interviews between candidates, showcasing its wide adoption and effectiveness in the market. The platform's ability to empower clients to recruit instantly is one of its key achievements. Empowering Candidates: The Benefits of Recorded Video Interviews Candidates benefit from participating in recorded video interviews by enjoying flexibility in terms of time and location, enhanced convenience, reduced pressure, the ability to review and improve their performance, increased confidence, equal opportunities, and the opportunity to provide thoughtful and well-prepared responses. These advantages ultimately allow candidates to present themselves in the best light and increase their chances of securing their desired job opportunities. Transforming the way employers hire MiaHire's review and evaluation features have also transformed the efficiency of the hiring process. Hiring teams can assess candidates' responses efficiently, regardless of their geographical location. This saves valuable time and allows for informed and collaborative decision-making. Employers can review interviews at their convenience, involve multiple stakeholders in the evaluation, and make data-driven hiring decisions. Moreover, MiaHire has played a pivotal role in ensuring equality in the hiring process. By utilizing video interviews, the platform mitigates biases associated with traditional face-to-face interviews, focusing solely on candidates' qualifications and responses. This creates a fair and objective assessment environment, promoting diversity and inclusion within the hiring process. A Future of Efficient and Fair Hiring MiaHire's innovative platform has ushered in a new era of efficient hiring processes. With its user-friendly interface, flexibility in interview scheduling, and robust evaluation features, MiaHire aims to transform recruitment efficiencies for organizations worldwide. As the industry evolves, MiaHire remains committed to innovation. Therefore, the upcoming integration of AI-driven features will further streamline the evaluation process, reduce manual effort, and provide data-driven insights for employers. These advancements will revolutionize the way companies identify and select top talent, ensuring even greater efficiency, fairness, and effectiveness in the high-volume hiring process. In conclusion, organizations in a competitive job market should embrace cutting-edge solutions to stay ahead of the curve. The future of hiring is here, and MiaHire is leading the way. Discover the cutting-edge breakthrough products from SupremeTech.



              HR Tech


              • Our success stories



              Simplify high volume hiring with MiaHire: The Future of Video Interviews


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                Classmethod Thành Lập Công Ty Liên Doanh Tại Việt Nam

                Với mục đích đào tạo nguồn nhân lực CNTT trong nước và phát triển để vươn tầm thế giới, thúc đẩy phát triển mở rộng toàn cầu với đội ngũ kỹ sư xuất sắc sử dụng sự phát triển của Agile. Classmethod, Inc. (Trụ sở chính: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Nhật Bản, Chủ tịch: Satoshi Yokota, sau đây gọi là "Classmethod") đã thành lập chi nhánh chính thức - Classmethod Việt Nam (Viết tắt là CMVN)- ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam vào ngày 2 tháng 3 năm 2022. Thông qua CMVN, Classmethod sẽ tuyển dụng và đào tạo các kỹ sư CNTT tại Việt Nam, đồng thời sẽ củng cố hệ thống kỹ sư trong việc kinh doanh phát triển phần mềm và kinh doanh tư vấn liên quan đến cloud services. Giới thiệu về Công ty TNHH Classmethod Việt Nam Địa điểm: Tầng trệt, Tòa nhà Thiên Sơn, 5 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, Phường Võ Thị Sáu, Quận 3, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Ban quản trị: Chủ tịch Trương Đình Hoàng, Giám đốc Arata Fujimura Lĩnh vực kinh doanh: Phát triển phần mềm, tư vấn về cloud services Trang web chính thức của Classmethod Những nỗ lực phát triển mô hình offshore hiện đại Classmethod đã hợp tác với Công ty TNHH SupremeTech (Trụ sở chính: Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam, Chủ tịch HĐQT: Trương Đình Hoàng, sau đây gọi là "SupremeTech") để triển khai mô hình offshore hiện đại. Mô hình offshore hiện đại là một hệ thống phát triển tạo thành một nhóm dự án với các kỹ sư CNTT xuất sắc ở nước ngoài và sử dụng Agile development nhằm lặp lại quá trình phát triển và thử nghiệm chức năng trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn. Ưu điểm là chúng tôi có thể linh hoạt đảm bảo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng và có chuyên môn cao.  Ngành công nghiệp CNTT đang phát triển nhanh chóng ở Việt Nam và chiến lược quốc gia của chúng tôi là tạo ra 1,5 triệu nhân lực CNTT vào năm 2030. Bằng cách thúc đẩy việc đào tạo CNTT, 55.000 sinh viên tốt nghiệp từ lĩnh vực CNTT được gửi đi mỗi năm tạo ra lượng lớn nguồn nhân lực trẻ. (* 1) Bộ phận Global thuộc CX Business Headquarter của Classmethod đã và đang thúc đẩy việc ứng dụng mô hình offshore hiện đại trong công việc. Trong năm 2021, chúng tôi đã có đến 10 dự án với doanh thu hơn 200 triệu yên. Bối cảnh thành lập CMVN Hiện nay, việc số hóa doanh nghiệp đang được thúc đẩy trên toàn thế giới, nhu cầu về nguồn nhân lực CNTT xuất sắc ngày càng tăng không chỉ ở Nhật Bản mà còn trên toàn cầu. Ở Việt Nam, nguồn nhân lực CNTT đang thiếu hụt và cuộc chiến cạnh tranh đã bắt đầu, và việc tích cực thu nhận và phát triển nguồn nhân lực đang trở nên vô cùng cần thiết. Classmethod thành lập CMVN liên doanh với SupremeTech với mục đích tăng cường tuyển dụng và đào tạo nguồn nhân lực tại chỗ và tạo ra hệ thống đặt hàng việc phát triển phần mềm ổn định hơn nhằm mở rộng hệ thống kỹ sư hỗ trợ kỹ thuật cho khách hàng. Ông Arata Fujimura, thành viên Hội đồng quản trị Công ty TNHH Classmethod Việt Nam, nhận định về triển vọng tương lai như sau:  "Chúng tôi đã làm việc về agile offshore development trong ba năm qua tại Classmethod. Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo rằng Công ty TNHH Classmethod Việt Nam đã hợp tác với SupremeTech, một đối tác phát triển lâu năm của Classmethod. Bằng cách kết hợp khả năng quản lý, tổ chức tuyển dụng, đào tạo và phát triển của công ty bản địa (SupremeTech tại Việt Nam) với khả năng phát triển nhanh, DevOps và Cloud service của Class Method, chúng tôi mong muốn có thể mở rộng sự hỗ trợ kinh doanh cho các doanh nghiệp khách hàng của chúng tôi”. Classmethod sẽ đóng góp cho quá trình số hoá xã hội bằng cách bồi dưỡng nguồn nhân lực toàn cầu và tạo cơ hội cho họ có thể đóng góp tích cực cho sự phát triển của xã hội. Giới thiệu về SupremeTech Chủ tịch: (Ông) Trương Đình Hoàng  Người đại diện kiêm Giám đốc: (Ông) Nguyễn Thái Bình  Trụ sở chính: Tầng 2, Tòa nhà Ricco Số 363 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, quận Cẩm Lệ, thành phố Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam Trang web chính thức của SupremeTech Lĩnh vực kinh doanh: Xây dựng hệ thống web/ thiết kế/ phát triển/ vận hành ứng dụng di động (offshore development), cung cấp dịch vụ tư vấn trải nghiệm kỹ thuật số (DX consulting business) cho khách hàng trong việc vận hành/ phát triển sản phẩm nội bộ. Sản phẩm: Dịch vụ phân phối video OTT TVplum, dịch vụ báo giá tự động AI, dịch vụ phỏng vấn video MiaHire, văn phòng ảo Todayly. Giới thiệu về Classmethod Classmethod Co., Ltd. cung cấp hỗ trợ kỹ thuật cho các công ty trong lĩnh vực phân tích dữ liệu, di động, IoT, AI/ machine learning, v.v., bao gồm cả Dịch vụ Web của Amazon. Trong lĩnh vực hỗ trợ AWS, chúng tôi đã được chứng nhận là Đối tác chứng nhận cấp cao - “Premier Tier Service Partner” (trước đây là Premier Consulting Partner) kể từ năm 2015 và nhận được chứng nhận Đối tác tư vấn hàng đầu - "Premier Consulting Partner" vào các năm 2018, 2020 và 2021. Đến nay, chúng tôi có hơn 15.000 tài khoản từ 3.000 công ty.  Chúng tôi cũng đang tập trung vào việc chia sẻ những thông tin kỹ thuật của nhân viên và chúng tôi đã xuất bản hơn 30.000 bài báo trên phương tiện truyền thông thuộc sở hữu "Developers IO". Dựa trên triết lý kinh doanh của chúng tôi là "tiếp tục đóng góp vào hoạt động sáng tạo của tất cả mọi người", chúng tôi sẽ đề xuất các công nghệ tối ưu cho mọi người. Trụ sở chính: 1-11 Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Sanpo Sakuma Building Tầng 8 Người đại diện: Satoshi Yokota, Chủ tịch kiêm Giám đốc điều hành Lĩnh vực kinh doanh: Cloud introduction support, xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng dữ liệu lớn, phát triển ứng dụng di động, hỗ trợ kỹ thuật LINE, hỗ trợ công nghệ AI / machine learning  Trang web chính thức của Classmethod Blog kỹ thuật "DevelopersIO" Trang Facebook chính thức của Classmethod Kênh YouTube chính thức của Classmethod * Tên công ty và tên sản phẩm được đề cập là nhãn hiệu đã đăng ký hoặc nhãn hiệu của từng công ty. * 1 Vietnam IT Market Report – Developers Recruitment State 2021 https://topdev.vn/



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                  Classmethod Thành Lập Công Ty Liên Doanh Tại Việt Nam

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