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    Year End Party 2020

    “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success" - Henry Ford What's a better way to end a difficult but successful year than an unforgettable Year End party? In the bustling and exciting atmosphere of the upcoming spring, SupremeTech family had a very happy and cosy time together at the YEP, which was held on January 16. This is not only an opportunity to look back on the 2020 journey, appreciate the contributions of the company’s employees but also a chance for all STers to become closer. Ending 2020, SupremeTech has gone through many challenges from the establishment to office relocation, the Covid-19 epidemic, ... But above all, Sters worked extremely hard so that the company could obtain many remarkable achievements. The following awards for individuals, teams and projects are the result of restless efforts of all SupremeTech employees last year. Let's take a look at some meaningful moments of employees who were honoured at the party. YEP would not be complete without the special performances which were choreographed and performed by ST members. Do you agree that our STers are so talented and shining? Watching these performances make us feel the spring atmosphere is knocking the door. In addition to those interesting performances, there are special Lucky draw sessions with attractive prizes. Let's see who are lucky enough to receive company SPECIALLLL GIFTS SupremeTech Year End Party brings company's members and guests to lots of levels of emotions, from thrilled, proud to surprised, delighted,....Although there were a few shortcomings in the first time we organized a YEP, it ended successfully and brought everyone a lot of joy. Under the roof of SupremeTech, let's work harder together to achieve more success in a promising 2021. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year. Wishing for SupremeTech to grow stronger and achieve more success in the future. Some other photos of SupremeTech YEP:



    Our culture




      Year End Party 2020


      Our culture


        SupremeTech – Work From Home

        The SupremeTech family has overcome the COVID-19 pandemic together. Source: cuoi.tuoitre.vn COVID-19 pandemic happening is something nobody expected for sure, but we can not deny it has changed the lives of all of us in both positive and negative ways. One of the positive things is that we are able to spend more time with family members, which busy pace of life normally takes away from us. Looking at the quieter city corners, the wider streets and the news of the increasing number of people leaving this life due to COVID-19, we realise every second of life much more treasured and the desire to contribute more to this world. WFH also is a big challenge for everyone. So that, in SupremeTech, we never forget to remind each other to maintain the "working fire" and interactions to ensure productivity of the whole team wherever we are, mo matter at home or at the office. In order to enhance the spirit of "Work from home", SupremeTech has created ourselves joys with meaningful activities so that the days of social distance and WFH are no longer boring. Let's go through some activities that SupremeTech has during the WFH time. First is the “Capture WFH Moments” contest showing colleagues lively unique working corner at home. Below are the photos with the most interactions from ST family in order from top down. Photo captured by Dao Thanh Minh (Team PHP) Photo captured by Huynh Ho Hoang Tien (Team Android) Photo captured by Tran Anh Tuan (Team STF) Photo captured by Nguyen Phu Hai (Team BA) Photos from other members At SupremeTech, we also have dedicated activity that are both rewarding and entertaining for programmers named the "Happy Coding Challenge". Happy coding challenge winners' faces Finally, SupremeTech hopes that the pandemic COVID-19 pass quickly, so that we can meet up again soon with the bustling atmosphere at the office. Wish everyone the time #StayHome productive, healthy, balanced and happy!!! Writer: Supreme Heart



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          SupremeTech – Work From Home

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