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Custom Shopify applications for the Japanese market

E-commerce (Shopify)

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    Shopify Custom Apps in the Japanese Market

    Creating a Team of Shopify Professionals The beginning of our relationship with the Japanese branding company, Fracta, began with a single project, Makuake STORE. The project became a catalyst for what would blossom into a new partnership. Fracta understands the nuances of corporate branding in Japan, as well as the requirements for the Japanese market. They are also a Shopify evangelist and expert in Japan, and over the years they have established themselves as a premier expert of the platform. At SupremeTech, we provide Fracta with additional technical expertise and the ability to develop Shopify custom apps for their clients. However, Japan is relatively behind the rest of the world when it comes to the realm of eCommerce. Less than a decade ago, there were hardly any platform options for entrepreneurs to start and manage their own eCommerce business. Shopify officially registered in Japan in 2017, and the prevalence of the eCommerce platform has grown. Shopify is becoming the go-to eCommerce platform in Japan and for good reason. It offers all of the customizability that the Japanese market craves. But Shopify’s plethora of public apps alone is by no means perfect and custom apps still require technical expertise. We coupled our expertise in custom application development together with our partner’s deep knowledge of branding, business development, UI/UX, and Shopify services to create online stores that go beyond the standard Shopify offerings. Fracta understands the fine details of Japanese aesthetics and is able to create beautiful themes for the powerful online stores behind them. We make sure that the solutions provided to our clients are exactly what they need. Nothing more, nothing less.  Shopify Online Store Branding and Custom Apps One day, a client of Fracta came to them with the desire to migrate their current online store to Shopify from another eCommerce platform. The client’s store was already mature and contained large amounts of data. At this time, Shopify did not have an appropriate means for which to transfer all of this data over from a different platform – at least, not without shutting down operations for an extended period of time. This is when Fracta approached us with a second project. They asked that we help them build a custom app that could effectively transfer all of the data for their client in a little time possible. It was at this point that we developed our custom app, ST-migrator. This app breaks down large chunks of data into more manageable pieces. With ST-migrator we were able to securely transfer all of the data within two hours using this method.  Communication with Fracta is conducted regularly via Slack, as well as online meetings. It was clear early that communication would not be an issue. We have Japanese-speaking Business Analysts to help smooth over language barriers. However, the engineers of both companies were more than capable of communicating technical requirements via English. We found that this not only made the life of the Business Analyst easier but also strengthened the teamwork and project understanding between both teams.  The success of ST-migrator is ultimately what sealed the deal for our newfound partnership. We knew that we could find tremendous success by combining Fracta’s expertise in the Japanese market and the feedback they received from their valued clients, combined with our ability to create customizations for the Shopify platform. "We stay updated with the Shopify changelog and conduct R&D in order to find new customizations that we believe will help numerous Shopify users in Japan." Following the success of ST-migrator and the advent of the partnership, we knew that it was a good match, like peanut butter and chocolate. Then another project arose. We started developing a custom app called ST-SSO (single sign-on) for a client wanting to implement SSO in their store. Not long after, we started another custom app, ST-Delete Me, which allows the users of a client's online store to deactivate their account. All of the applications added a feature to the clients’ stores that Shopify cannot provide on its own.   In many cases, Fracta receives a specific request from a client, then approaches us with a new business requirement. Then we determine what type of Shopify custom apps, if any, are needed. However, not all of our development with Fracta is done by client request. We decided to continuously search for new methods to improve the experience of not only current clients but also future clients. We stay updated on the Shopify changelog and conduct R&D in order to find new customizations that we believe will help numerous Shopify users in Japan. In addition, SupremeTech also develops custom apps and features in-house using the data and market research provided by Fracta.  SupremeTech and eCommerce Software Development  We quickly realized that Japanese clients preferred custom apps to the public apps found in Shopify and Shopify Plus. They prefer to have a store that is tailored to their needs, without the added bulk and unnecessary features that come with public apps. This means that the Japanese market is ripe with clients looking for small adjustments and tweaks to most of the pre-existing features on Shopify and Shopify Plus.  Although our partner has extended knowledge of Shopify and Shopify Plus’ capabilities, they need our help to execute the development of the infinite possibilities for customization that Shopify provides. The customization can be as small as deleting a small feature from a preexisting public app that is not needed by the client, or it can be as large as creating an entirely new app from scratch. The ability to create Shopify custom apps is what makes it a great eCommerce platform. Future Partnerships and Collaboration is Key As SupremeTech continues to grow, we are always looking for new collaborators. We believe that partners such as Fracta have helped us develop our technical expertise and skills. This partnership has deepened our knowledge of eCommerce in Japan, and around the world. Our aim is to continue to create custom Shopify and Shopify Plus solutions for all types of businesses.  Our experience working with Japanese clients, who value customization and impeccable quality, can translate into any market. We hope to partner with like-minded organizations that have similar experiences in their market as with Fracta in Japan. Contact us to get custom solutions for your Shopify business! We offer custom development services to streamline your store management and more!



    E-commerce (Shopify)


    • Our success stories



    Shopify Custom Apps in the Japanese Market


    E-commerce (Shopify)


      Maximizing ROI with Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility: Key Insights and Case Studies

      Discover how Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility empowers e-commerce businesses to boost their Return on Investment (ROI). Uncover key insights and real-life case studies showcasing how customizing the checkout process leads to increased conversions, reduced cart abandonment, and enhanced customer engagement. Unlock the potential of Shopify's powerful extensibility feature to maximize your store's profitability and stay ahead in the competitive online marketplace. Understanding Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility is a powerful feature that allows e-commerce businesses on the Shopify Plus platform to customize and tailor their checkout process. Unlike the standard Shopify checkout, which offers limited customization options, the extensibility feature empowers store owners to create a more personalized and seamless checkout experience for their customers. What is Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility? At its core, Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility provides access to the backend code of the checkout page. This means that businesses can now make custom modifications to the checkout process, enabling them to adapt it to their unique requirements. This level of control allows for the creation of a checkout process that aligns perfectly with the brand's image and caters to the specific needs of their target audience. By granting access to the checkout code, Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility opens up a world of possibilities for store owners and developers. They can add or remove fields, implement custom logic, integrate with third-party services, and even introduce new payment methods. This unparalleled flexibility ensures that the checkout process becomes an integral part of the overall customer experience, enhancing satisfaction and reducing friction during the final stages of the buying journey. Benefits of Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility The advantages of leveraging Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility are numerous. Firstly, it allows businesses to create a seamless and frictionless checkout process. By streamlining the steps required to complete a purchase, customers are more likely to follow through, reducing cart abandonment rates and ultimately increasing conversions. Secondly, the ability to customize the checkout process opens up opportunities for personalized marketing and promotions. Store owners can use customer data to display relevant upsells, cross-sells, or discounts during checkout, enticing customers to add more items to their carts and boosting the average order value. Furthermore, Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility enables integration with various third-party tools and services. Businesses can connect their checkout process to marketing automation platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, or shipping carriers, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. Customization Options for Checkout Process Custom UI and content With Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility, the level of customization is only limited by the imagination. Store owners can design a completely branded checkout experience, ensuring a consistent look and feel that resonates with their target audience. Customizing the design and layout of the checkout page allows for improved usability and ease of navigation, reducing the likelihood of cart abandonment due to confusion or frustration. Branding API Beyond the aesthetics, Checkout Extensibility allows for the modification of the checkout's look and feel, making it possible to introduce unique layouts, fonts, and colors that resonate with the brand's identity. Backend business logic The ability to customize the backend business logic further enhances the checkout process by enabling personalized shipping rates, tax calculations, or discounts based on specific customer attributes or purchase history. Post-purchase page Additionally, businesses can leverage Checkout Extensibility to design a post-purchase page that extends the brand experience beyond the checkout itself. This page can include order confirmation details, personalized thank-you messages, and related product recommendations, nurturing customer engagement even after the transaction is complete. Track buyer behavior Furthermore, one of the most valuable functionalities of Checkout Extensibility is the capacity to track buyer behavior throughout the checkout process. By gathering and analyzing data on customer interactions, businesses can gain invaluable insights into pain points, drop-off rates, and conversion patterns. Armed with this data, they can make informed decisions to optimize the checkout flow and increase overall conversions, ultimately maximizing their return on investment. How Checkout Extensibility Helps Maximize ROI Checkout Extensibility on the Shopify Plus platform offers e-commerce businesses a powerful toolset to optimize their Return on Investment (ROI) by enhancing the checkout experience. Let's explore how this feature contributes to higher conversion rates, reduced cart abandonment, increased customer retention, and the effective use of analytics and data insights. Impact on Conversion Rates and Sales A smooth and frictionless checkout process is vital for converting visitors into paying customers. Checkout Extensibility allows businesses to streamline the checkout flow, making it easier for customers to complete their purchases. By reducing the number of steps, simplifying form fields, and integrating trusted payment gateways, the likelihood of cart abandonment decreases, resulting in higher conversion rates. Moreover, businesses can implement personalized upsells, cross-sells, and discount offers during the checkout process. This targeted approach capitalizes on the buyer's intent and can lead to higher average order values, further maximizing revenue and ROI. Reducing Cart Abandonment and Increasing Customer Retention Cart abandonment is a common challenge for online retailers. However, Checkout Extensibility equips businesses with the means to address this issue proactively. By offering multiple payment options, clear shipping information, and a transparent returns policy, businesses can instill trust and confidence in customers, reducing the likelihood of abandonment. Additionally, the option to save customer information for future purchases simplifies the checkout process for returning customers. This convenience encourages customer loyalty and repeat business, boosting customer retention and contributing to long-term ROI growth. Leveraging Analytics and Data Insights for Better ROI The true potential of Checkout Extensibility lies in its ability to collect valuable data and analytics on customer behavior during the checkout process. By integrating with analytics tools, businesses can track various metrics, including drop-off rates, abandoned carts, and conversion funnels. These data insights provide a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and pain points during checkout, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions to optimize the process further. By identifying and addressing areas of improvement, businesses can refine the checkout experience, reducing barriers to purchase and ultimately increasing conversions. Additionally, analyzing customer data can lead to insights on preferred payment methods, popular products, and peak purchasing times. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can fine-tune their marketing strategies, optimize product offerings, and implement targeted promotions to maximize ROI. Case studies of Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility FastTech Electronics - Doubling Conversions with Checkout Extensibility By customizing their checkout process, FastTech Electronics aimed to reduce cart abandonment and enhance the overall customer experience. The results were remarkable, with the company managing to double their conversion rates within just a few months. Upon adopting Checkout Extensibility, FastTech Electronics revamped their checkout page to align with their brand's identity. They optimized the layout, making it more intuitive and visually appealing. By streamlining the checkout flow and removing unnecessary steps, customers found it easier to complete their purchases, resulting in a substantial decrease in cart abandonment. Moreover, FastTech Electronics leveraged the customization options provided by Checkout Extensibility to introduce personalized upsell and cross-sell offers based on individual customer preferences and purchase history. This targeted approach led to increased average order values and contributed significantly to the improved conversion rates. StyleHub Clothing - Personalization and its Effect on Customer Engagement In our third case study, we explore the journey of StyleHub Clothing, a fashion retailer that leveraged Checkout Extensibility to focus on personalized customer engagement during the checkout process. With Checkout Extensibility, StyleHub Clothing integrated personalized product recommendations based on the shopper's browsing history, previous purchases, and preferred styles. By displaying relevant suggestions during checkout, the company experienced an increase in cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, contributing to higher average order values and improved revenue. Moreover, StyleHub Clothing utilized Checkout Extensibility to offer a seamless loyalty program integration during checkout, rewarding loyal customers with exclusive discounts and incentives. This personalized approach fostered a stronger emotional connection with customers, resulting in improved brand loyalty and repeat purchases, ultimately enhancing their overall customer engagement and driving long-term success. Get your Shopify Plus custom development solutions from SupremeTech! SupremeTech offers comprehensive solutions to migrate your current website to Shopify. We have the expertise to build a tailored software which streamlines your e-commerce management and enhance customer experience. Contact us now to take a step forward and discover how you can make your unique business idea come true with our technical solutions. Reference: Building Powerful Checkout Customizations with Checkout Extensibility - By Martin Laws - Development Manager at Shopify



      E-commerce (Shopify)




        Maximizing ROI with Shopify Plus Checkout Extensibility: Key Insights and Case Studies

        smooth sailing how to migrate website to shopify

        E-commerce (Shopify)



          Smooth Sailing: How to Migrate Website to Shopify?

          Shopify is now a desired eCommerce platform with millions of joined companies across the globe. Over 3.9 million online shops are presently powered by Shopify, according to the most recent figures. For businesses with a history spanning more than 16 years, it has made selling online simpler. Then migrating website to Shopify might be a good choice if you are an online company owner considering a robust eCommerce platform. So how to migrate website to Shopify? Keep following this article to find the answer! Why Consider Migrating to Shopify? Why Consider Migrating to Shopify? Source: Shopify Shopify is an all-inclusive e-commerce platform that offers all the tools you need to sell products online. Instead of having to deal with web hosting, shopping cart software, inventory control, and a payment gateway from several suppliers, migrating the website to Shopify is much simpler. Shopify also provides a retail POS system that interacts with your online store. Unlike other CMS systems, Shopify was created primarily for online retail. This means that your website, from the pricing pages to the product catalogs, will be customized to generate the most revenue possible. If you're just selling a few items online, you probably don't need a complicated e-commerce system. However, adding a shopping cart plugin to your current website won't be sufficient if you want to grow your online store and keep adding hundreds or thousands of goods. After switching to Shopify, backend administration is also made simpler. You'll be able to see specifics like which products are most popular and where visitors are abandoning their carts. Even better, all Shopify plans include access to its free built-in email marketing tool. Shopify is a no-brainer if simplicity and scalability are your priorities. Everything you need can be found on a single platform, greatly simplifying your life. Additionally, Shopify is designed for unrestricted expansion, so you'll never outgrow the system. ⇒ Maybe you’ll be interested in: How to convince employees to adopt new technology? Migrate Website to Shopify: Step-by-Step Guide It might be difficult to migrate website to Shopify without proper help. In this detailed tutorial, we'll show you how to migrate your site to the Shopify platform: Getting to Know Shopify It is recommended that you get familiar with the platform before beginning the migration process. To get started, sign up with Shopify and choose a plan that fits your budget. Basic Shopify is ideal for small-scale businesses, offering all the necessary features to run an online store. Shopify Plus is designed for high-volume merchants and large enterprises, providing advanced features and customization options. So, if your business is sizable and has complex needs, Shopify Plus would be a better fit. Learn all there is to know about the Shopify dashboard after you've joined. You'll need to provide an email address, choose whether you're registering as a person or a business, and provide a safe password. You must also choose a memorable name for your Shopify shop since your store's URL will be based on its name. Setting up Your Shopify Store Source: Eggflow Marketing Automation It's time to set up your shop after you're comfortable with the Shopify interface. This is how you do it: Set up your domain: You can choose between purchasing a brand-new domain or moving the old domain to your brand-new Shopify account.Choose a theme: Shopify has many themes from which to choose. Remember to choose a theme that fits your business and what you're selling.Customize your theme: Once you've selected a theme, customize it to fit your business identity by changing the colors, fonts, and layout.Set up payment and shipping options: There are some available payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. You should also set up shipping rates for your products.Set up taxes: Set up taxes for your store. Shopify offers multiple region-specific tax rates, but you may also set up custom tax rates.Place some test orders: Once your payment source has been added, you should make a few transactions to ensure everything operates as it should.Set up URL redirects: Redirect traffic from your old platform to your new online shop. Product Migration Product Migration Source: iDentixweb You need to transfer everything from the previous platform to Shopify, including your items, blogs, and other data such as your customers' transactions. Build a careful plan for every step since the migration process takes a while. Make a list of the information you want to move from your existing website to Shopify. Once the list is ready, determine how and in which order you will migrate the data. You can migrate to Shopify using the following steps: From your previous website, export the product data. Most of the time, this means sending a CSV file with information about your goods, such as their name, SKU, price, and description.Enter Shopify using the product data you have. You may either manually input each product one at a time or import your product data from your CSV file using a product migration tool. After your items have been imported, you should double-check that all the details listed are correct. To make everything seem perfect on your new website, you may need to make some changes to your product descriptions, prices, and product illustrations. Customer and Order Data Migration The order is crucial if you are importing all of your customer, product, and historical order data. When importing, follow the order shown below: ProductsCustomersHistorical orders If you follow this order, Shopify will provide you access to the full transaction history of your customers. The transferred orders will also be connected to the related items and clients. This will help with your order management. Going Live Going Live Source: iDentixweb Now it’s time to go live! Set "Live" mode on for your Shopify shop. To make sure everything is operating properly, test your website. Check that all of the shipping and payment options function as planned by going through the checkout process yourself. If you are satisfied with its functioning and aesthetic, inform your current clients and followers about the debut of your shop. Use email, social media, and any other available channels to spread the word about your brand-new Shopify store. Maximize Your Customer Experience on Shopify With SupremeTech Maximize Your Customer Experience on Shopify With SupremeTech Source: Shopify Migrating a website to Shopify can be a challenging process, but it is worthwhile for companies trying to enhance their e-commerce operations. Yet it's important to carefully plan and execute the migration to ensure a smooth transition. If you're looking to migrate your website to Shopify, SupremeTech can help. We offer a custom Shopify integration system that allows online stores to streamline their operations and improve their efficiency. We can also help your business build applications to solve requirements both in customer purchasing experience and store management that Shopify cannot. The system can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business, including automated data exchange, validation, transformation, and custom workflows and rules. Check out our portfolio and contact us for the earliest advice and support!



          E-commerce (Shopify)


          • How-to



          Smooth Sailing: How to Migrate Website to Shopify?

          Shopify store development services for Makuake STORE by SupremeTech

          E-commerce (Shopify)

          Our success stories


            Makuake STORE – Shopify store development services for an original crowdfunding site

            With a custom built Shopify store management solution, Makuake STORE obtains a smoothly collaborative environment for their stakeholders to co-manage the store and deliver outstanding shopping experience. Shopify Plus development services for Makuake STORE Technical challenges from an online mall-like business idea Makuake Co., Ltd. initially provides a crowdfunding listing website named "Makuake" for newly-launched products and services. It is a platform where creators can list their original products and call for public fundings from supporters. “How can supporters buy the products after the listing is ended?”, wondered Makuake leaders when the platform starts to grow fast. “And it would be a waste if creators cannot continue to make money from the brilliant ideas of their own on our website. That’s the gap we will fill in.” Makuake's original crowdfunding site A single-minded desire to “continue to support the growth of the implementers” and “provide an exciting shopping experience as a place where supporters can purchase their favorite products again” urges Makuake team to build an E-commerce site where the creators can sell their new products to the end consumers. That’s where Makuake STORE was born. Makuake STORE, then an online mall-like store concept under the name of Makuake, should not only bring consumers the enjoyable shopping experience that no other place does, but also assure smooth operational teamwork between Makuake and creators, not to mention retain high-standard experience of supporters as it originally does. An excessive portfolio of products and operational requirement of the three parties involved certainly pose a mind-bending challenge to Makuake STORE operational team. The question is how to set up a custom Shopify store that is linked to the current crowdfunding site and a management system which Makuake team and creators can co-operate for an ultimately wonderful shopping journey. It’s a huge puzzle to solve right there. Shopify Plus is a good choice. But it’s not enough. After receiving a challenging brief from Makuake, we jumped into deep research and broke down the case into two phases. Then our research showed that Shopify Plus is regarded as an optimal platform to cultivate Makuake STORE on. Its available functions allowed us to launch Makuake STORE in a short amount of time without much technical effort. And that was a good choice. Due to the time constraint at the beginning of the project, we were wired to integrate the ready-for-use apps available on Shopify to serve the basic operational needs then. But we knew there certainly came a must-have circle of building and optimizing. Phase 1: Custom Shopify development services for an admin app We identified in our proposal that the first and foremost task is to quickly provide merchants with a custom admin app. So merchants can manage their own store inside Makuake STORE site. It took us soon enough to realize that the complex characteristics of a mall-like Makuake STORE cannot be fulfilled only by Shopify Plus’s limited available functions. Each merchant wanted to manage their store in a unique way. What we should aim for is a custom Shopify app development that supports all three parties at the same time. In order to solve this case, we flexibly develop a custom admin app to bridge the Shopify solution apps and Makuake current operation system to Shopify. The expertise is not to build everything from scratch because it took a lot of time and less cost effective. We incorporated the custom features to the third-party apps so that Makuake STORE operational team and merchants can perform the tasks Shopify cannot. For example, Shopify limits the number of admins accessible to the store, while Makuake STORE needs to share management roles with thousands of independent sellers to co-manage their own product and order. Atarashii - More fun shopping online! Phase 2: Add more features to serve three-party operations The next milestone in product roadmap is to continue adding custom features to the app so that merchants can set up their own customers’ buying journey. Our solution takes into consideration the full-circle E-commerce management. Custom Order Order WorkflowsOrder AttributesShopify checkout flow Shipment Multi-Order trackingMulti-Warehouse ShippingMulti-Carrier Shipping SupportAutomated shipment notification Customer Custom CRM procedure Inventory Multi-Warehouse management Product data Access control systemAutomated Product Data SyncCustom Product Data Mapping The development process includes but not limited to data migration from/to Shopify, integration with 3rd-party systems, automated data exchange, PC & mobile responsive themes, maintenance services. In terms of operational screens, there are three main parties involved including Shopify admin for Makuake, Seller admin and Operator admin. For Shopify admin, we integrated custom-built functions to upgrade its capability. For Seller and Operator admins, we built everything from scratch. While optimizing the operational system, we finetune our web app with some upcoming favorite features in pursuit of “enjoyable shopping experience”. The can-do spirit inspires us to proactively and constantly seek for new approaches to optimize the product. Furthermore, our pleasant correlation with Makuake team and Shopify enables us to generate new ideas and bring them to life. Makuake is a super passionate and open-minded client who clearly guide us throughout the way and jointly tackle the challenge where it needs their expertise. As featured in our motto “Build the next world-class together”, we consider working as one team the primary key to success. While Makuake team focuses on perfecting the product concept, we take ownership of technology solutions and product development. Together we make product concept a reality. We believe our collaboration would achieve further success in the near future. A mall-like Makuake STORE on Shopify Plus We made it! A custom Shopify solution to streamline store operations After 7.5 month of development and teamwork, we accomplished our primary objective of the project which is to operate and maintain a fully-functional management system for an online mall-like Makuake STORE. The model proves to work well as the website records huge traffic surge and the popularity continues to expand widely in Japanese market. The more the product thrives in the market, the more technical challenges to solve in our continuous development process. We cannot wait to keep moving forward and tackle those challenges! Development system and technologies Below are the resources and technologies we use to deliver Shopify store development services: Details of entrustment: Design, Implementation, Testing, Migration, Maintenance & Operation Platform: Web app, responsive web app, Shopify Infrastructure & Architect: AWS, Serverless, NoSQL Development language: Node.js, React.js Get your Shopify Plus custom development services from SupremeTech! SupremeTech offers comprehensive solutions to migrate your current website to Shopify. We have the expertise to build a tailored software which streamlines your e-commerce management and enhance customer experience. Contact us now to take a step forward and discover how you can make your unique business idea come true with our technical solutions. Brought to you by Makuake - SupremeTech team.



            E-commerce (Shopify)


            • Our success stories



            Makuake STORE – Shopify store development services for an original crowdfunding site

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